Liverpool Group Mark Festival 2015
19th February 2015
Liverpool Group of Mark Lodges presented their Festival at Liverpool Masonic Hall on 19th February.  The festival was hosted by George Harradon Mark No 956 and was titled ‘Three; Five; Seven.’  It was attended by the Provincial Grand Master Peter Connolly and the provincial team.  With the lodge opened in the normal way and after the introductions and salutations the Lodge was called off.  At this point visiting Master Masons were admitted and  once everyone was settled the presentation began.
The Worshipful Master W. Bro Alan Boyle introduced each section.  The ‘Three’ was a presentation of the ‘Walking Charge’.  This charge is normally given in open lodge to a newly raised Master Mason at the end of the ceremony of rising and is a retrospect of the teachings of each degree.  The three speakers were; W.Bro Derek Gaskell; Bro Jorge Perez and Bro Roy Cowley. 
For the next section the five speakers were; Bro Eric O’Callaghan; W.Bro Dave Jones; W.Bro Chris Walls; W Bro Justin Lewis and V W Bro Frederick Hargreaves, and this section covered The Five Orders of Architecture.
To cover the ‘Seven’ section of the presentation, the seven speakers describing each of The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences were; Bro Jorge Perez; W Bro Tom Marlow; W Bro Ian Elsby; W.Bro Mike Winterbottom; W.Bro Les Moore;  W.Bro Derek Gaskell;  W.Bro Chris Walls. 
At the end of the presentation The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Peter Connolly thanked the Worshipful Master and all those who took part in the presentation.  Expressing his delight that seven of the Liverpool Mark Lodges had been represented by the speakers who took part in the presentation.
Even the two course festive board was a success raising a large sum of money for the Children’s Fun Day to be held at Leyland on Sunday 28th June.  In all it was a good Masonic evening of Learning; Friendship and Fun.        
Words by Derek Gaskell Photos by Mike Beesley